๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฎReverse Engineering with Ghidra

Some notes about ghidra


  • Open source SRE tool developed by NSA

  • Provides a disassembler and decompiler

  • Large library of supported processors / architectures

  • Custom processors can be added via SLEIGH modules

Loading a Binary

  • We can inform Ghidra about the target binary

  • Architecture / Language

  • File Format

  • Ghidra will attempt to autodetect features based on the file format

  • In our case these features are provided by the ELF header

Initial Analysis

  • During auto-analysis Ghidra will also attempt to:

    • Create and label functions

    • Identify cross references in memory (xrefs)

  • Once the analysis window is done, the program can be explored

  • Some of the default CodeBrowser windows include:

    • Program Tree โ€“ this shows the segments of the ELF file

    • Symbol Tree โ€“ lists and displays all currently defined symbols

    • Data Type Manager โ€“ shows data types inferred during auto-analysis

    • Listing โ€“ the resulting assembly code from auto analysis

    • Console โ€“ tool output / debugging information

  • Double clicking on Xrefs will navigate to that location


  • One of Ghidraโ€™s most powerful features is the decompiler

    • Implemented utilizing Ghidraโ€™s P-Code

    • The decompiler creates C code from the analyzed P-Code

How to identify basic C constructs in assembly language

Program Startup

  • There is additional code outside of our main function. These additional blocks of code are used to properly launch the binary. Program startup and behavior is defined by the System V ABI.

  • Within the ELF header, there is an e_entry field, this field points to the _start() function. This will call the main function.

TIP: Function Signatures

  • Function signatures can be edited in Ghidra, altering:

    • Argument count

    • Argument types

    • Return values

  • Fixing the function signature can greatly improve decompiler output

  • The C standard defines the arguments passed to a main function:

    • int argc = Argument Count

    • char **argv = Argument vector

TIP: Import and Exports

  • Imports and exports can be viewed from the Symbol tree

    • Imports: libraries that are utilized by your target binary

    • Exports: Exposed information about our binary for the operating system loader

  • Note: If you canโ€™t find main, start with _start!

Control Flow

  • Control flow is the order in which instructions are executed

  • if /else, While or for are some good exemples

  • RIP contains the address of the next instruction to execute

  • The JMP instruction (and others) can alter RIP:

    • JMP ADDR

  • JMP can also selectively execute based on the RFLAGS register

    • JE: Jump if equal/zero

    • JNE: Jump if not equal/nonzero

    • JG: Jump if greater (signed)

    • JL: Jump if less (signed)

TIP: Graph View

  • When looking at multiple branches, graph view can be helpful

  • Window -> Function Graph

Switch Cases

  • Switch cases allow a variable to be compared against a list of values, each value being compared against is a case. The expression for the case must have the same data type as the variable in the switch

TIP: Converting Data

  • In the listing view, data types can be converted

  • This can be used to make the decompiler output more readable


  • Loops allow repeated execution of a block of code

  • For and while have almost the same representation in assembly code.

TIP: Highlighting / Slicing

  • When viewing the assembly listing or decompiler view, items can be highlighted

  • Slicing can be applied in the decompiler window

  • Ghidra will attempt to synchronize highlights between disassembly / decompiler views


  • When a variable is declared, it is declared within a particular scope

  • Local Variables: Defined within a function, only accessible within the function and have names like local_0 or local_1. The address that can be represented in assembly are things like:

    • mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc]

  • Global Variables: Declared outside of a function and can be used in all functions.

    • DWORD PTR [rip+0x2009e6]

TIP: Labelling/Renaming

  • Variables and offsets can be labelled in Ghidra. Ghidra will attempt to synchronize the variable names between the listing view and decompiler view.


  • Functions are called using the call instruction. call pushes the return address to the stack when called.

  • ret is used to return from a function

Functions: Calling Conventions

  • Calling conventions define how function calls are implemented:

    • How arguments are passed to functions

    • How return values are pass back from functions

    • Stack management and register cleanup

    • ABI = Application Binary Interface

Functions: Prologue/Epilogue

  • Functions can be thought of as three components:

    • Prologue

    • Body

    • Epilogue

  • The prologue reserves space for variables on the stack

  • The epilogue cleans up the stack frame and returns it to itโ€™s original state

Heap Memory

  • The heap is used for dynamic memory allocations:

    • Used when the size of a variable can be varied

    • malloc/calloc โ€“ Used to allocate

  • Heap variables can be accessed globally

Array Accesses

Last updated