Tryhackme: Intro to pwntools notes
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Checksec is a tool to analyze the qualities of a binary:
RELRO stands for Relocation Read-Only, which makes the global offset table (GOT) read-only after the linker resolves functions to it. The GOT is important for techniques such as the ret-to-libc attack, although this is outside the scope of this room. If you are interested, you can refer to this blog post:
Stack canaries are tokens placed after a stack to detect a stack overflow. These were supposedly named after birds that coal miners brought down to mines to detect noxious fumes. Canaries were sensitive to the fumes, and so if they died, then the miners knew they needed to evacuate. On a less morbid note, stack canaries sit beside the stack in memory (where the program variables are stored), and if there is a stack overflow, then the canary will be corrupted. This allows the program to detect a buffer overflow and shut down. You can read more about stack canaries here:
NX is short for non-executable. If this is enabled, then memory segments can be either writable or executable, but not both. This stops potential attackers from injecting their own malicious code (called shellcode) into the program, because something in a writable segment cannot be executed. On the vulnerable binary, you may have noticed the extra line RWX that indicates that there are segments which can be read, written, and executed. See this Wikipedia article for more details:
PIE stands for Position Independent Executable. This loads the program dependencies into random locations, so attacks that rely on memory layout are more difficult to conduct. Here is a good blog about this:
If you want a good overview of each of the checksec tested qualities, I have found this guide to be useful:
An alphabet file can be useful here, but it can be time consuming to type all of that into a file (or write a script for it) every time you want to test a buffer overflow, and if the buffer is large, the alphabet file might not be big enough. This is where the cyclic tool comes in. The cyclic tool can be used both from the command line and in python scripts. The command line format is "cyclic number", like:
cyclic 100
We can now begin to develop our exploit. To use pwntools in a python file, create a python file (mine is and import the pwntools module at the top of the file:
from pwn import *
We can then use the cyclic function within the python code:
padding = cyclic(100)
Our padding is the space we need to get to the eip, so 100 is not the number we need. We need our padding to stop right before 'jaaa' so that we can fill in the eip with our own input. Luckily, there is a function in pwntools called cyclic_find(), which will find this automatically. Please replace the 100 with cyclic_find('jaaa'):
padding = cyclic(cyclic_find('jaaa'))
What do we fill the eip with? For now, to make sure we have the padding correct, we should fill it with a dummy value, like 0xdeadbeef. We cannot, of course, simply write "0xdeadbeef" as a string, because the computer would interpret it as ascii, and we need it as raw hex. Pwntools offers an easy way to do this, with the p32() function (and p64 for 64-bit programs). This is similar to the struct.pack() function, if you have ever used it. We can add this to our code:
eip = p32(0xdeadbeef)
To get the address of the function:
print& <function_name_here>
We can receive data with either the recvn(bytes) or recvline() functions. The recvn() receives as many bytes as specified, while the recvline() will receive data until there is a newline. Our code does not send a newline, so we will have to use recvn(). In our test_networking.c code, the "Give me deadbeef: " is 18 bytes, so we will receive 18 bytes.
You may be wondering how we are going to point the eip to our shellcode (rather than other data in the stack), and the answer is to make our variable into a big landing spot. There is an instruction in assembly called no-operation (or NOP), which is 0x90 in hex, and the NOP is a space holder that passes the eip to the next space in memory. If we make a giant "landing pad" of NOPs, and direct the eip towards the middle of the stack, odds are that the eip will land on our NOP pad, and the NOPs will pass the eip down to eventually hit our shellcode. This is often called a NOP slide (or sled), because the eip will land in the NOPs and slide down to the shellcode. In my case, a NOP sled of 1000 worked, but other challenges may require different sizes. When writing a raw hex byte in python, we use the format "\x00", so we can write "\x90" for a NOP. nop_slide = "\x90"*1000
Before we write our shellcode, we can inject a breakpoint at the end of our NOP slide to make sure the slide works. The breakpoint instruction in hex is "0xcc", and so we can add the following to our code: shellcode = "\xcc"
Great, we can inject our own code into the program! Of course, we want to do more than hit a breakpoint, we want to spawn a root shell. That means we need to write some shellcode. While some crazy people like to write shellcode from scratch, pwntools gives us a great utility to cook up shellcode: shellcraft. If you have ever used msfvenom, shellcraft is a similar tool. Like cyclic, shellcraft can be used in the command line and inside python code. I like to use the command line, and copy and paste the shellcode over to my exploit script. The command line command for shellcraft is: shellcraft arch.OS.command, such as:
This is for a basic bash shell for Linux executables with i386 architecture. A neat feature of shellcraft is that we can print out the shellcode in different formats with the -f flag. The possible formats are listed if you enter the shellcraft -h command. Please answer question 6.
There is a bit of a snag in the above shellcode. In order to get a root shell, we need to keep the privileges of intro2pwnFinal, although bash will drop the privileges unless we add the -p flag. If we observe the assembly code for this shell, we see that it uses execve and passes /bin///sh as the first parameter and ['sh'] as the second. The first parameter is the path to what we want to execute, and the second parameter is the argv array, which contains the command line arguments (If you are confused about execve, you can refer to this man page here). In this case, we want to execute /bin///sh, but we want to pass 'sh' and '-p' into the argv array. We can use shellcraft to create execve shellcode with"/bin///sh" and "['sh', '-p']" as parameters. We can do this with the following command:
shellcraft i386.linux.execve "/bin///sh" "['sh', '-p']" -f a
When we run this command, we see it is the same as the shellcode, except the added '-p' to the argv array. To write shellcode that is easier to use in our python exploit script, we can replace the "-f a" with "-f s", which will print our shellcode in string format. We can copy that and paste it into our exploit code (replacing the breakpoint instruction):
shellcode = "jhh\x2f\x2f\x2fsh\x2fbin\x89\xe3jph\x01\x01\x01\x01\x814\x24ri\x01,1\xc9Qj\x07Y\x01\xe1Qj\x08Y\x01\xe1Q\x89\xe11\xd2j\x0bX\xcd\x80"
Our code is almost done! Until this point, we have been printing our payload and manually inputting it into the executable. Like in the networking task, Pwntools allows us to interact with the program automatically. For a local process, we use the process() function.
proc = process('./intro2pwnFinal')
We can receive data from the process, and since the process sends data with a new line, we can use recvline(), rather than recvn().
After we have crafted our payload, we can send it with:
Finally, after we have sent the payload, we need a way to communicate with the shell we have just spawned. We can do with with